Tuscan Herb Tomatoes 4 ingredients!

With fresh cherry tomatoes out of the garden, this tasted like a Neapolitan pizza without the crust. Perfect for those on low carb diets who are craving a pizza taste without the carbohydrates.


 Prep time: 2 minutes Cooking time: 10 minutes


 Needed for this recipe:

• Sunshine Coast Olive Oil Co. Tuscan Herb Olive Oil*



• 20 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

• ½ teaspoon Sunshine Coast Olive Oil Co. Himalayan Pink Sea Salt

• 1 Tablespoon Sunshine Coast Olive Oil Co. Tuscan Herb Olive Oil*

• Freshly grated Pecorino Romano or Parmesan cheese (about ¼ cup)



Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Toss tomatoes in olive oil. Sprinkle on salt and toss again.. Place the tomatoes in a single layer on a glass pie plate (or other oven proof container). Sprinkle with freshly grated hard cheese. Place in middle rack of oven and bake approximately 8-10 minutes until the tomatoes are cooked through.

Use a slotted spoon to remove the tomatoes for plating. If you are serving this with a starch, such as bread, pasta or potatoes, drizzle them with the juice left in the pan.


*or substitute with Sunshine Coast Olive Oil Co. Garlic, Herbes de Provence or Harissa Olive Oils.